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Support Our Local Causes

  • Help Local Families

    Help Local Families

    Healed Like Tron wants to be a helping hand in such a trying time, from helping with bills, medicine, transportation, food, ect. Healed Like Tron hopes to be more of God and less of the organization. We will give financial aid directly to the sponsored family. We aim to provide a sense of community and support that will help them through these tough times.

  • Scholarship For Spouse/Child

    Scholarship For Spouse/Child

    Healed Like Tron is setting up a scholarship fund that would help support children who have lost a parent to cancer, as well as a scholarship for a spouse that may need to go back to school to be able to secure a career to support their family without their partner.

  • Grocery Store Gift Card Give-Away

    Grocery Store Gift Card Give-Away

    So much of healing is related to diet and exercise. Healed Like Tron's New call to action, is to work with local Oncology/Chemo centers to give out Grocery Store Gift Cards at least once a month for those undergoing chemo treatments. This project has such potential to grow! The ideas are overflowing


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